Sound strategy starts with having the right goal - Michael Porter
Design & Develop Web Presence
All Websites are not the same. Technology used to develop the websites, on what type of servers the sites are hosted and various other parameters make the sites efficient and fast loading sites. No visitors will revisit sites that are slow in loading and not appealing enough.
Categories of Websites
All websites and the purpose of their existence are not the same.
Personal Websites
There are Personal websites that help with the Image & Brand Development of individual persons. This is often used to provide a true representation of an individual,, his work profile, area of expertise, designs and or products etc. developed. Creative artists like Graphic Designers and Web Developers/ Designers etc use personal websites that show much more than what can be presented in a CV sent to a prospective Employers.
Small Company Websites
Many Small and Medium Companies just need a website with a few pages, that just depicts their products and or services, their contact details and any other product descriptions or specifications etc. that they want to make available to the public at large. When your marketing / Sales person visit clients visit clients and prospective clients and share the Company’s Visiting Card, it helps to provide a website link on the card, that the help clients to view more details of your offerings.
Corporate Websites
These are typically Large Companies or Corporate Companies who need a massive web presence to showcase the array of Products or Services they offer, These sites may typically connect to Company databases and provide real time information to clients and prospective clients. These websites or Web Portals may have various options for Clients to view products, availability of products, status of their orders, and various other features that help Companies to Develop and Sustain their Business.
What we do to help with your web presence ?
We do not just develop websites, we work very closely with our Clients to develop a customized web presence based on our Interaction with customers and understanding of their business. To fetch optimal return on investment for our customers we typically do the following;
- Have elaborate discussions with client to under stand what their business is, what is their vision.
- We then help them develop a Strategy to align their Web Presence needs with their Company/Corporate Business Strategy
- Advice clients on what Content, Technology, and Real time data etc to be made available on their Websites/ Web Portals.
- Once Clients have made a decision, and Scope of work is defined based on mutual discussions, we then develop the Web Presence for the Clients.
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